Randy Club

Randy Club

Archive Randy Club “Randy Club” is a band from Freiburg, Germany, pre­senting hits from the 80s and 90s as well as pop, rock and soul music. <iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“https://www.youtube.com/embed/OEPWPjx6vco” frameborder=“0” allow=“accelerometer;...
The Bretts

The Bretts

Archive The Bretts The Bretts” is an Ame­rican family con­sisting of the parents Thomas and Andrea as well as their children Garon, Brydon and Briahna from Branson. They started with a capella songs, but now they have a much larger reper­toire. In their hometown of...
Tamako Murakami

Tamako Murakami

Archive Tamako Murakami Tamako Murakami is a phe­no­menal pianist from Tokyo. She has been stu­dying at the Musik­hoch­schule Freiburg since April 2016 and is also active as a piano teacher. <iframe width=“560” height=“315”...
Out of the box

Out of the box

Archive Out of the Box Out of the Box presents its audience with dif­ferent instru­ments and songs from the areas of Folk-Pop and Ame­ricana with Celtic and Irish ele­ments. Their musical role models include Ame­rican bands such as the Punch Brothers, Alison Krauss...
Fabian Flender

Fabian Flender

Archive Voices & Boys Fabien Flender manages to make the audience laugh tears in their eyes during a wordless fight with everyday objects. He is part of the clown duo “extraart”. <iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“https://www.youtube.com/embed/8A3y2tS77XE”...