Parking around the Triberger Weihnachtszauber
If you arrive by car, you can use the new underground parking garage in the city center. Here you will also find some disabled parking spaces. If these spaces are full, you can use some Park & Ride parking spaces with a free shuttle service. strong>Please follow the local signs. Our shuttle bus service is offered from two directions. The green line takes you from the B33 / LIDL bus stop / train station / Tränkle parking lot / Nußbach directly to the bus stop on the market square opposite Triberg town hall and back again from there. The red line runs between Gewerbepark Adelheid / Scheffelplatz and the bus parking lot on Wallfahrtstraße. The bus stops are marked in the appropriate color and are easily recognizable. For the return journey, please get back on the bus where you got off.
Shuttle buses
Free shuttle buses run every 15 minutes
- from 13:30 from the station
- from 16:00 from the LIDL* bus stop
- from 16:00 from Schonachbach
to the bus parking lot (approx. 200m from the main entrance).
*The LIDL parking lot is NOT available to visitors of the Triberger Weihnachtszauber.
Until 10:30 p.m., the buses will shuttle continuously between the bus parking lot (entry/exit) and the bus stops mentioned.
Triberger Weihnachtszauber
Main entrance