The grand finale

Tri­berger Weihnachts­­­zauber

One last time — Be part of it!

25 — 30 December 2024

2 pm — 9 pm

The grand finale

Tri­berger Weihnachts­­­zauber

One last time — Be part of it!

25 — 30 December 2024

2 pm — 9 pm

Dear friends of the Tri­berger Weih­nachts­zauber!

After many won­derful years full of magic, spar­kling lights and unfor­gettable moments, we would like to make an important announcement today:
The Tri­berger Weih­nachts­zauber will take place for the last time this year.

This was not an easy decision for us to make. Over the past few years, tog­ether with you, we have created a unique tra­dition that has delighted thou­sands of visitors every year. But like every story, this one has an end. We look back on the many shared expe­ri­ences with pride and gra­titude and invite you to cele­brate this final chapter with us.


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For all news and updates about the Tri­berger Weih­nachts­zauber, sub­scribe to our news­letter!

Dear friends of the Tri­berger Weih­nachts­zauber!

After many won­derful years full of magic, spar­kling lights and unfor­gettable moments, we would like to make an important announcement today:
The Tri­berger Weih­nachts­zauber will take place for the last time this year.

This was not an easy decision for us to make. Over the past few years, tog­ether with you, we have created a unique tra­dition that has delighted thou­sands of visitors every year. But like every story, this one has an end. We look back on the many shared expe­ri­ences with pride and gra­titude and invite you to cele­brate this final chapter with us.


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For all news and updates about the Tri­berger Weih­nachts­zauber, sub­scribe to our news­letter!


1 Million






Fire show

“What to do if there’s a fire? Let it burn!” This is the motto of Hannes Schwarz, who under the stage name “Saraph” presents spec­ta­cular fire shows.

At the age of 5, he dis­co­vered his love for fire and initially con­verted dis­carded broom­sticks and mops into torches — later he trained with more pro­fes­sional equipment.

The fire show takes place daily at the fol­lowing times:

6:15pm, 5:00 pm, 5:45 pm, 6:30 pm, 7:15 pm and 8:00 pm

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From 12/27 — 12/30 a breath­taking fire­works display will take place daily at 9:00 pm and end the event for the day. The fire­works are shot at the memorial. This is at the mountain opposite the waterfall, such that one can see the display from all over the area. Of course the color play is also accom­panied with music.

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Fire show

“What to do if there’s a fire? Let it burn!” This is the motto of Hannes Schwarz, who under the stage name “Saraph” presents spec­ta­cular fire shows.

At the age of 5, he dis­co­vered his love for fire and initially con­verted dis­carded broom­sticks and mops into torches — later he trained with more pro­fes­sional equipment.

The fire show takes place daily at the fol­lowing times:

6:15pm, 5:00 pm, 5:45 pm, 6:30 pm, 7:15 pm and 8:00 pm

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From 12/27 — 12/30 a breath­taking fire­works display will take place daily at 9:00 pm and end the event for the day. The fire­works are shot at the memorial. This is at the mountain opposite the waterfall, such that one can see the display from all over the area. Of course the color play is also accom­panied with music.

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Kevin Tarte

Kevin Tarte

For more than 30 years, US-born Kevin Tarte has been con­quering the stages of major
Tarte has con­quered the stages of major musical pro­duc­tions and city theaters in Germany, Austria and Switz­erland. He has shone in leading roles in musicals such as “Beauty and the Beast”, “Les Misé­rables” and “Tanz der Vampire” as Count von Krolock.

Golden Voices of Gospel

Golden Voices of Gospel

“Clap your hands, stamp your feet, shout hal­le­lujah” is the motto of Reverend Dwight Robson and his GOLDEN VOICES OF GOSPEL. They have sung with Michael Jackson and Helene Fischer and toured the world with André Rieu this year.



The Drum Stars combine rousing rhythms full of energy with con­cen­trated enthu­siasm and musi­cality. The four pro­fes­sional drummers present a top-class per­cussion show.


1 Million Lights

1 Million Lights

Visit the Tri­berger Weih­nachts­zauber and enjoy the breath­taking atmo­sphere created by a million lights.

Giant Christmas Hat

Giant Christmas Hat

In the won­derfully illu­mi­nated Giant Christmas Hat you can read how people in various countries wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Light Tunnel

Light Tunnel

If you walk the waterfall trail, you will reach the bright tunnel of lights.


Mär­chen­hafter Besuch

Mär­chen­hafter Besuch

The Mär­chen­hafter Besuch takes all guests young and old into a magical world full of fairy tales and stories.

Daniel Rall

Daniel Rall

Adre­naline-fuelled and spec­ta­cular: be enchanted by bicycle acrobat, “Wetten, dass…?” — bet winner and world record holder Daniel Rall.

Martin Tschanett

Martin Tschanett

Martin Tschanett loves to put a smile on his audience’s faces.
Comedy magic, where the audience see­mingly gets behind the magic secret and then ever­y­thing turns out quite dif­fer­ently.

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