

Our artists on the Nature and Kurhaus stage

This year, many great artists will once again be taking part in the Tri­berger Weih­nachts­zauber 2024. Infor­mation about the artists can be found here.


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Program Kurhaus Stage

UhrzeitMittwoch, 25.12.Don­nerstag, 26.12.Freitag, 27.12.Samstag, 28.12Sonntag, 29.12.Montag, 30.12
15:00 — 15.30Piano-Ensemble
Mihye SoMihye SoStadt- und
Kur­ka­pelle Triberg
Mihye So
15:40 — 16.10Rebecca WeisserMusi­cal­i­ciousPiano VocalDrum-StarsStadt- und
Kur­ka­pelle Triberg
16.20 — 16.50Piano-Ensemble
Mihye SoMihye SoZydeco Annie + Swamp CatsMihye So
17.00 — 17.50Golden Voices of GospelMusi­cal­i­ciousPiano VocalMagic acoustic GuitarsDrum-StarsDuo YingLing
18.00 — 18.50Artis­ten­schule BerlinArtis­ten­schule BerlinKevin TarteDrum-StarsZydeco Annie + Swamp CatsGraceland
19.00 — 19.50Golden Voices of GospelMusi­cal­i­ciousPiano VocalMagic acoustic GuitarsDrum-StarsDuo YingLing
20.00 — 21.00Artis­ten­schule BerlinArtis­ten­schule BerlinKevin TarteDrum-StarsZydeco Annie + Swamp CatsGraceland

Program Nature Stage

UhrzeitMittwoch, 25.12.Don­nerstag, 26.12.Freitag, 27.12.Samstag, 28.12Sonntag, 29.12.Montag, 30.12
15:00 — 15.30Bras­ser­fälleSchwarzwald
Rolph Royce & Candy AndySchwarzwald
WombatsRebecca Weisser
15:40 — 16.10Golden Voices of GospelNadine Traoré TrioAnita + MaikNicole Scholz & BandLocker vom HockerBlues­quam­perfect
16.20 — 16.50Bras­ser­fälleSchwarzwald
Rolph Royce & Candy AndySchwarzwald
WombatsRebecca Weisser
17.00 — 17.50Rebecca WeisserNadine Traoré TrioAnita + MaikNicole Scholz & BandLocker vom HockerReiner Kirsten
18.00 — 18.50Bras­ser­fälleSchwarzwald
Rolph Royce & Candy AndySchwarzwald
19.00 — 19.50Rebecca WeisserNadine Traoré TrioAnita + MaikNicole Scholz & BandLocker vom HockerReiner Kirsten
20.00 — 21.00Bras­ser­fälleSchwarzwald
Rolph Royce & Candy AndySchwarzwald

Our artists 2024

Kevin Tarte

Kevin Tarte

For more than 30 years, US-born Kevin Tarte has been con­quering the stages of major
Tarte has con­quered the stages of major musical pro­duc­tions and city theaters in Germany, Austria and Switz­erland. He has shone in leading roles in musicals such as “Beauty and the Beast”, “Les Misé­rables” and “Tanz der Vampire” as Count von Krolock.

Golden Voices of Gospel

Golden Voices of Gospel

“Clap your hands, stamp your feet, shout hal­le­lujah” is the motto of Reverend Dwight Robson and his GOLDEN VOICES OF GOSPEL. They have sung with Michael Jackson and Helene Fischer and toured the world with André Rieu this year.

Artistic School Berlin

Artistic School Berlin

For over 60 years, young talents have been trained at the Berlin State Artistic School to become state-cer­­tified artists. In 2005, a class of gra­duates went on a nati­onwide tour with their own show for the first time. This year, the gra­duate show is making its debut at the Tri­berger Weih­nachts­zauber.



The Drum Stars combine rousing rhythms full of energy with con­cen­trated enthu­siasm and musi­cality. The four pro­fes­sional drummers present a top-class per­cussion show.

Zydeco Annie + Swamp Cats

Zydeco Annie + Swamp Cats

The question of what Christmas sounds like in New Orleans is ans­wered with beau­tiful ballads, acoustic Cajun Cajun twosteps and familiar Christmas carols in their fasci­nating pro­gramme “Loui­siana Christmas Night”. Here they cele­brate and dance.

Reiner Kirsten

Reiner Kirsten

On num­erous live tours and TV appearances, the suc­cessful sonny boy from the Black Forest has been thrilling audi­ences for more than 20 years and is an integral part of the popular pop scene — a real high­light at the Triberg Christmas Magic.

Magic Acoustic Guitars

Magic Acoustic Guitars

The two vir­tuosos from Magic Acoustic Guitars awaken with their own com­po­si­tions
true emo­tions on the guitar. They also impress with their inter­pre­ta­tions of jazz stan­dards, clas­sical mas­ter­pieces and tim­eless classics.

Schwarzwald Quintett

Schwarzwald Quintett

100% handmade live music since 1978! The audience is carried away by the rhythm of this talented for­mation. With a varied reper­toire that ranges from folk music from folk music to hits to rock.

Duo YingLing

Duo YingLing

The “Duo Yingling” comes from Shanghai and enchants stages stages worldwide with fasci­nating top-class artistry and a touch of Far Eastern magic. As fina­lists in “The greatest Swiss Talents”, they have already wowed audi­ences in Denmark, France, Italy and Switz­erland.



The countless classics of pro­bably the most suc­cessful folk rock duo in the world, Simon & Gar­funkel, har­monize per­fectly with the sound of a clas­sical string ensemble.

Nadine Traoré Trio

Nadine Traoré Trio

Nadine, a remar­kable artist, reached the duel rounds of “The Voice of Germany” in 2022. Nadine will be accom­panied by musi­cians Simon Zse­bedits and Niklas Bastian as part of the Triberg Christmas Magic.



Musi­cal­i­cious spe­cialize in songs from big stage shows and well-known film scores.

Anita and Maik

Anita and Maik

Their instrument is rarely seen or heard. The two of them play over fifty concert bells with vir­tuosity and breath­taking speed.

Nicole Scholz & Band

Nicole Scholz & Band

Nicole Scholz — the soulful power voice from Lake Con­s­tance and par­ti­cipant in “The Voice of Germany” 2023 inspires with her musi­cians with rock, pop, country or pop songs.



Blues­quam­perfect takes its audience into the world of blues and soul. They present hits by unfor­gettable artists such as the Blues Brothers, U2, Tina Turner and Joe Cocker in their very own, cap­ti­vating way.



The Bras­ser­fälle, an up-and-coming new­comer band from Triberg, are cele­brating their debut at the Weih­nachts­zauber. These 13 young musi­cians bring a breath of fresh air to the event with a wide range of musical genres, including pop, rock and brass.

Rolph Royce & Candy Andy

Rolph Royce & Candy Andy

The musical variety of Rolf Royce and Candy Andy ranges from ballads to country and oldies to bluesy hits.

Wombats unplugged

Wombats unplugged

The high­light of this cult band is the enchanting Irish folk sound, which becomes a unique expe­rience thanks to the violin. Their reper­toire of rock, pop and their own com­po­si­tions will take you on a musical journey.

Rebecca Weisser

Rebecca Weisser

The US-Ame­rican, who has been has been an integral part of the Christmas Magic for 19 years enchants with gospel, soul, rock and tra­di­tional Christmas songs.

Piano-Ensemble König

Piano-Ensemble König

Gabriele König, an award-winning pianist and piano teacher, and her daughter Regina have been enchanting Christmas Magic audi­ences with their four-handed piano playing for many years.

Stadt- und Kur­ka­pelle Triberg

Stadt- und Kur­ka­pelle Triberg

Expe­rience spar­kling brass music, that revi­ta­lises the senses. With 250 years of history, this asso­ciation is one of the true pio­neers in the Schwarzwald-Baar brass band asso­ciation.

Mihye So

Mihye So

The South Korean-born pianist is a true master of her craft and delights audi­ences with her out­standing ability at the highest level. Her music touches the heart and leaves an unfor­gettable impression.



Piano pop unplugged — Hannes Schmidt and Ralf Brand­stetter love the songs they sing. The audience’s reac­tions are cor­re­spon­dingly clear: the two artists from Ober­kirch have been filling concert halls for years. In addition to pop gems, they also perform their own songs.