Sat. 28.12

Magic Acoustic Guitars

Roland Palatzky and Mat­thias Waßer have formed the duo “Magic Acoustic Guitars” for eleven years now. They entertain audi­ences with ori­ginal com­po­si­tions, jazz stan­dards, clas­sical music and classics, show­casing their mas­terful talent on the guitar. In 2014, they received the “Artist of the Year” award in the “Instru­men­ta­lists” category at the Golden Artist Gala. The ima­gi­native pro­gramme of the two pro­fes­sionals ranges from num­erous top-class ori­ginal com­po­si­tions to clas­sical pieces such as Mozart’s “Rondo a la Turca”, Glenn Miller’s “In the Mood” and pop classics such as “Samba Pa Ti”, “Sultans of Swing” and “Tears in Heaven”.


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“Magic acoustic Guitars” live and love their music, giving the melodies and instru­ments a pas­sionate cha­racter with their abso­lutely pro­fes­sional vir­tuosity. This earned the duo the “Artist of the Year 2014” award in the “Instru­men­ta­lists” category at the Golden Artist Gala. Num­erous cele­brity enga­ge­ments and TV appearances are further proof of their cap­ti­vating popu­larity, with which they com­pletely mes­merise their audience.