Mon. 25.12

Rebecca Weisser

Rebecca Weisser, a native of Kansas City, Mis­souri, has lived in Grem­melsbach in the Black Forest for over 30 years. The enthu­si­astic singer, who released her first CD “Waiting on You” a few years ago, offers a wide musical palette with her songs, some of which she has written herself, ranging from gospels, smart country songs and rock numbers to gentle and emo­tional ballads.


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Since childhood — at home with her 9 siblings, but also in church con­gre­ga­tions and on radio & tele­vision — the trans­planted “Black Forest girl” has had a lot of fun and enjoyment with music. She demons­trates her musical gifts in solo con­certs and choir per­for­mances. In con­trast to the rough and wild nature of the Triberg waterfall, Rebecca Weisser puts her audience at the Triberg Christmas Magic in a gentle and calm mood, as can only be expe­ri­enced at Christmas.

Born and raised in Kansas City, Mis­souri, USA
Since a young age: Piano lessons, appearances on local tele­vision and radio
Since 1988: resident in Triberg-Grem­melsbach, Germany
Since 1990: married to Thomas Weisser, 2 children
2000- 2001: first CD with own songs pro­duced in Nash­ville, USA