WED. 27.12

Duo YingLing

The artist duo YingLing con­sists of Che­nying Lu and Junlin Zhang. They create a Far Eastern atmo­sphere at the Triberg Christmas Magic with their breath­taking artistry.


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Both were born in Shanghai in 1985 and now live in Europe. Che­nying curr­ently lives in Bern and Junlin in Fri­bourg. They have already per­formed tog­ether in many European countries, such as Denmark, France, the Net­her­lands, Italy, Switz­erland and Germany. They have also suc­cessfully par­ti­ci­pated in circus fes­tivals and received awards. They have won a gold medal in Zunyi/China, a gold medal in Italy and a special prize in Poland.

Circus and Variety

- Ron­calli ́s Variete Apollo (DE) (2009) — Win­ter­circus-Circolo Freiburg (DE) (2008/10) — Cirque D’Hiver Roermond (NL) (2007) — Cirque D’Hiver Bouglione Paris (FR) (2006) — Circus Conelli Zurich (CH) (2005)


- Inter­na­tional Circus Fes­tival Zalewski (PL) (2004) Special Prize — Inter­na­tional Circus fes­tival Le Cirque d’Latina (IT) (2001) Gold Medal


- SF1 “Die Grössten Schweizer Talente DGST”, final par­ti­ci­pation 2012 (in final) — FRANCE 2, Patrick Sébastien, Le Plus Grand Cabaret du Monde — SWR Süd­west­rundfunk — CCTV 1 “Amazing Chinese” 2014