Sun. 29.12

Wombats unplugged

The small for­mation of the well-known cult band from the Black Forest inter­prets the ver­satile music of the Wombats in acoustic form with fun and a relaxed style.

The Wombats’ music offers an incre­dible variety and includes rock & pop, blues and folk-rock. Some­thing special is the Irish folk sound, which becomes a special expe­rience due to the fiddle and always ensures a good atmo­sphere at the con­certs. Also the many own inter­pre­ta­tions of the unfort­u­nately played songs from the men­tioned styles always amaze the audience.

The unplugged line-up of the Wombats gets its cha­racter from the acoustic guitar, piano, violin and viola. The instru­ments of the relaxed combo are com­pleted by the typical sound of the cajon. The poly­phonic vocals are cha­rac­te­ristic of the Wombats.


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