Tue. 26.12

Zydeco Anni + Swamp Cats

For ZYDECO ANNIE + SWAMP CATS, their new pro­gramme finally fulfils a long-awaited wish.
long-awaited wish finally comes true. During the winter of 2020/2021, the band wrote their own Christmas songs and arranged them with great attention to detail.

The result is a unique and fasci­nating Christmas pro­gramme:

Louisana Christmas Night

What does Christmas sound like in New Orleans?

The musi­cians answer this question with beau­tiful ballads, acoustic Cajun twosteps and, of course, well-known Christmas songs.

The lyrics of their own songs are about the search for the true Christmas feeling,
the tran­quillity of nature and, of course, the joyful, shining eyes of children on Christmas Eve.
Christmas Eve. Fre­deric Berger not only sings the well-known Christmas songs in a genuinely authentic way.
Christmas songs. With his unmist­akable voice and the crea­tivity of the for­mation
unique arran­ge­ments and won­derful Cajun songs have been created.

Look forward to an emo­tional Christmas journey to the sou­thern states.