Mon. 30.12


BLUESQUAMPERFECT, the cult group when it comes to live music, will be shaking the stages again this year: as usual with a beau­tiful set of witty, lively and groovy show program.

The ingre­dients consist of groovy as well as soulful ori­ginal com­po­si­tions from the pen of Rolf “Royce” Lan­genbach, such as “Light up the night”, “Sweet love” and “One fine day”, spiced up with a pinch of indi­vi­dually arranged pieces by well-known blues, soul and other greats, such as the Blues­brothers, Stevie Wonder, Wilson Pickett, Rolling Stones, Hey Lewis, Gloria Gaynor, Joe Cocker, U2, Tina Turner and Eric Clapton.

This live spec­tacle for lis­tening, wat­ching, laughing and singing along is not to be missed, espe­cially as BQP will have their live double CD “on tour” (recording of the Jazzhaus concert) with them to present to the audience.


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