Sat. 28.12
Sun. 29.12


“… the audience was com­pletely beside them­selves…” (SZ)

The pro­fes­sional drummers of the Drum Stars group thrill audi­ences across Europe with a breath­taking per­cussion show con­sisting of drumming, enter­tainment and lighting effects. Instru­ments such as an LED drum, a water drum or ordinary everyday objects are used to perform loud and powerful pieces. However, their varied and enter­taining pro­gramme also includes quieter, melodic pieces. The drum stars use a marimba or hang for this. During the show, the audience can not only watch, but also join in. In short: a concert expe­rience not to be missed.


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What the press said:

“They are equipped with a good dose of wit and humour… ‘that the audience is com­pletely giddy in the face of this suc­cessful show at a high artistic level.” (Süd­deutsche Zeitung) “The guests, young and old, expe­ri­enced a futu­ristic event that was not only loud, but above all per­formed with extreme pre­cision. Breath­taking skill and volu­minous sounds were com­bined here… The joy of playing of the “drum stars” was spon­ta­neously trans­ferred to the audience.” (Augs­burger All­ge­meine) “When the drum stars finally appeared as a blonde chick, an ABC student and a boozy football fan and stirred up the hall with their witty body per­cussion, the audience could no longer be held back. With a standing ovation, they demanded more and got another hit.” (Schwein­furter Tag­blatt)