Thur. 26.12
Sat. 28.12

Schwarzwald Quintett

“On the benches, life is for cele­brating!” — true to this motto, the Black Forest Quintet has been playing con­tem­porary, handmade and solid live music for over 40 years.

Expe­rience six tho­roughbred musi­cians in action on num­erous instru­ments. With current groovy folk music, hits, party hits, the most dif­ficult solos, Krainer party or hearty rock music, the Schwarzwald Quintett feels at home in every musical genre, true to the motto “Party, Dirndl, Alpenrock!”

Pure enter­tainment! The music program is com­ple­mented by num­erous show inter­ludes. There’s not a dry eye in the house. Making music on curious instru­ments or the per­for­mance of inter­na­tio­nally known per­so­na­lities, the Black Forest band has some­thing for everyone — watch out! Laughter gua­ranteed!

The Black Foresters regu­larly perform with the top stars of the enter­tainment scene such as Jürgen Drews, Tony Mar­shall, Nicki, Peter Wackel and many more at the biggest Okto­ber­fests across Germany, on radio and TV media, as well as on inter­na­tional stages from the USA to the party island of Mal­lorca.


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