Fri. 27.12

Kevin Tarte

Born and raised in Seattle, the cha­ris­matic singer com­pleted his training at the renowned Eastman School of Music in New York and at the Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara.

For more than 30 years, he has appeared on the stages of major musical pro­duc­tions and muni­cipal theaters in Germany, Austria and Switz­erland in a wide variety of roles. In addition to leading roles in “Beauty and the Beast”, “Les Mise­rables”, “42nd Street” and “Sweeney Todd”, Kevin embodied the role of Count von Krolock in the German pre­miere of “Dance of the Vam­pires” in 2000. Since 2016, Kevin has regu­larly appeared as the Shadowman, Rabanus or Aes­cu­lapius in the Füssen pro­duc­tions of “Ludwig²” and “Die Päpstin”. In January 2019, he made his debut as Oliver War­bucks in the classic musical “Annie”.

Kevin also demons­trates his ver­sa­tility time and again at a wide variety of gala and concert evenings. He also regu­larly delights his fans with excur­sions into genres such as country, jazz and gospel as part of his solo concert series. Kevin’s long-awaited solo CD “REFLECTION” has been on sale since November 2014. Critics and fans alike have described the album as a true mas­ter­piece.


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