Sun. 29.12

Stadt- und Kur­ka­pelle Triberg

The Stadt- und Kur­ka­pelle Triberg, founded in 1769, is one of the oldest brass bands in the brass band asso­ciation of the Schwarzwald-Baar dis­trict. The asso­ciation curr­ently has more than 50 active members, with an average age of 32.

Over the course of the year, the Stadt- und Kur­ka­pelle plays around 20 con­certs, parades and per­for­mances in order to cul­tivate, promote and dis­se­minate brass music and to safe­guard musical inte­rests within the town area, the Schwarzwald-Baar brass music asso­ciation and the Fede­ration of German Brass Music Asso­cia­tions. These include, in par­ti­cular, the accom­p­animent of Fasnet, church events, con­certs in Triberg and at fri­endly clubs, parades in the his­toric town militia uniform and the Triberg Christmas Magic.

Par­ti­cu­larly important events are the annual Christmas concert, which takes place every 3rd Sunday of Advent in the town church in Triberg, and the summer con­certs, which take place every two years. Concert tours are also orga­nized at home and abroad.

The band has a very large musical reper­toire. It not only plays clas­sical brass band pieces such as marches and polkas, but also modern com­po­si­tions from the rock and pop genres.


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