Fri. 29.12

Stadt- und Kur­ka­pelle Triberg

The Stadt- und Kur­ka­pelle Triberg, founded in 1769, is one of the oldest brass bands in the brass band asso­ciation of the Schwarzwald-Baar dis­trict. The band curr­ently has more than 60 active members, with an average age of 25. The band per­forms around 25 times a year. These include musical con­tri­bu­tions at car­nival events, church ser­vices and brass band mee­tings. The largest per­for­mance takes place in Triberg. This is the annual Christmas concert of the Triberg town and spa band. The band has a very large reper­toire of music. Not only clas­sical brass band pieces such as marches and polkas are played, but also modern com­po­si­tions from the rock and pop genres.


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