Wed. 25.12

Golden Voices of Gospel


  • were the gospel choir of the “King of Pop” Michael Jackson on “Wetten Dass…”
  • sing the song “ Wenn Du Lachst ” on the HELENE FISCHER CD and on the DVD of the HELENE FISCHER CD release concert
  • were special guests on the world tour of Andre Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra in 2022/23
  • were the star act at the Miss Germany Award 2023 in the Europa-Park Arena

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Known from the TV pro­grammes with Florian Sil­ber­eisen

Spi­rited. Cap­ti­vating. Inspiring. Gospels get under your skin like hardly any other music. Nevert­heless, Reverend Dwight Robson’s choir always manages to give well-known and popular gospel songs a new sound.

With fasci­nating voices and an over­whelming cha­risma, the choir enchants audi­ences night after night with its inter­pre­ta­tions of songs such as “Go Down Moses” or “Oh Happy Day”. The group’s wide-ranging reper­toire sug­gests that the roots of gospel music lie not only in Christian music, but also have many influences from blues and jazz.

Don’t miss out on this top-class musical event and book your tickets now for the gospel event of the year! The atmo­sphere during the show is unri­valled and will turn you into a gospel fan too!

The Golden Voices of Gospel were the choir of the “King of POP” Michael Jackson, Helene Fischer, Mireille Mathieu, Howard Car­pendale, Bonnie Tyer, Ben Zucker, David Has­selhoff and many other well-known artists.