Fri. 27.12


Christmas piano pop unplugged with piano.vocal

It’s clear to see — Hannes Schmidt and Ralf Brand­stetter love the songs they sing. The audience’s reac­tions are cor­re­spon­dingly clear: for years, the two artists from Ober­kirch have been filling concert halls between Karlsruhe and Freiburg with their band or orchestra. This year, for the last Christmas Magic in Triberg, they will be per­forming their own songs from their albums alongside pop gems on the grand piano and two-part vocals. Their col­la­bo­ration with Chris Német, Edo Zanki (pro­ducer of Grö­ne­meyer, Sasha and many others), musi­cians from Söhne Mann­heims, Laith al Deen and Max Mutzke comes to life here. And the press revels. Excellent reviews, radio and TV appearances on SWR and a nati­onwide release are the fruits of their labor.


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