TUE. 26.12

Duo VioRa

The two artists Rachel Kelz and Viola Bommer got to know each other while working tog­ether in Neckar­gemünd. Their music com­bines ele­ments of clas­sical music, jazz, Irish music, tango and pop, which they combine to create varied concert pro­grammes. They play ori­ginals as well as arran­ge­ments for their instru­men­tation and, if required, Viola Bommer arranges works with finesse for the duo. Despite the dif­ferent sound colours of harp and saxo­phone, they blend tog­ether to create a unique lis­tening expe­rience, rounded off by Viola Bommer’s sensual voice. The lis­tener can expect a per­for­mance full of sur­prises that will resonate for a long time to come.


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