FRI. 29.12 — SAT. 30.12


Jonglissimo was founded on the belief that juggling is a fasci­nating visual art form. Their world-class artistry is based on an exciting mix of juggling, theatre and tech­nology. The ensemble was founded by the Aus­trian brothers Christoph and Manuel Mitasch. At a workshop orga­nised by the brothers, Dominik Harant and Daniel Ledel were swept away by their passion. Since then, the ensemble has been setting new stan­dards in team juggling. They have already won the Juggling World Cham­pi­on­ships four times and hold over 30 world records. These include the records for the most clubs (14) and the most rings (16) ever juggled by a duo. The quartet has been wowing audi­ences on inter­na­tional stages for many years. They have been able to showcase their skills on pres­ti­gious stages such as the world’s largest circus fes­tival “Cirque De Demain” in Paris and the “Cascade of Stars” show orga­nised by the Inter­na­tional Jugglers’ Asso­ciation in the USA. They have also demons­trated their skills in various tele­vision shows such as the French show “The Best”, the Italian pro­duction “Tu si que vales”, the German talent show “Das Super­talent” and the ORF pro­duction “Die große Chance”.


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