So. 29.12

Locker vom Hocker

The three musi­cians Bernhard (vocals, guitar), Gebhard (guitar, vocals) and Micha (bass, vocals) can look back on a long and suc­cessful musical career. With authentic and rousing per­for­mances and their easy-going manner, they never fail to delight their audi­ences.

Inspired by legendary artists, this influence is reflected in their sound. Their extensive reper­toire includes pop and rock hits from the last few decades, including classics by Cat Stevens, John Denver, CCR, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Dire Straits, ZZ Top and many others.

The special thing about “Locker vom Hocker” is their spon­ta­neity and fle­xi­bility. They are happy to play requested songs spon­ta­neously, as long as the lyrics can be found in Bernhard’s extensive song file. A concert by “Locker vom Hocker” pro­mises a relaxed and enter­taining evening with music that everyone knows and loves. Expe­rience “Locker vom Hocker” live and be enchanted by their music!


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