Stefan Reusch
Reusch saves 2016 — THE YEAR RETURN
Of trumpets, Erdohähnen and other Wichtigter with the “master of anarchist rhymes and word twists”. (Kölnische Rundschau)
2016 — what kind of ’ne World!_What, please, can you do about it? Drinking to the limit? Until — what? Just not. Stefan Reusch looks at everything, makes more out of it, cleans up and asks behind. For example: Where did the SPD go? Who still thinks it’s — let alone — good? Or: Which foreign country is taking in our worried right-wing radicals? We can’t do that anymore. Questions over questions…
Things about Saxony. Also: a crime thriller “Instead of calling murder — terror with the Samsung Note 7? And when will the Mexican Wall be open for tourists? Stefan Reusch recorded the main events in 2016. So that we all have peace again and can sleep through a year! Or to put it another way: the viewer can “discover in every single sentence … the cultivated madness in which we live … and you only notice later that you actually laughed at yourself”. (“Rheinpfalz”)
Hear and see for yourself. Until you lose both… 2016 is saved!
We’ll make it! “an unforgettable evening” (Badisches Tagblatt) ´