Martin Tschanett

Martin Tschanett

2022 Mo 26.12 Martin Tschanett Martin Tschanett tra­velled to the USA 35 years ago to work as an adventure tour guide. His travels took him to Las Vegas again and again. There he visited the shows of all the famous magi­cians and very soon he dis­co­vered his love for...
1 Million Lights

1 Million Lights

1 Million Lichter Visit the Tri­berger Weih­nachts­zauber and enjoy the breath­taking atmo­sphere created by a million...


Burg­la­by­rinth In this great laby­rinth, children of all ages have a lot of fun finding the...
Starry Sky with 100,000 Lights

Starry Sky with 100,000 Lights

Ster­nen­himmel mit 100.000 Lichtern At the main ent­rance of the Tri­berger Weih­nachts­zauber there is a gigantic starry sky with 100,000 lights and is waiting to be seen and admired by...
Illu­mi­nated Stream

Illu­mi­nated Stream

Beleuch­teter Bachlauf Der Was­serfall wird in bunten Farben ange­strahlt. Eine echte...