
Jenny Bright

The 18-year-old singer-song­writer inspires with her audience-ori­ented per­for­mance, her natural way and self-written songs in country-pop style. Her lyrics deal with everyday topics like love, joy, dreams, pain and longing and are partly deep thoughts, partly stories from her life. Above all, they are always honest and often speak directly from the listener’s soul.

Their soulful voice paired with the sounds of guitar, piano, ukulele or banjo goes directly under the skin and hits the heart. Quiet tones and emo­tional ballads as well as rocky and lively songs are on her varied program and take the audience on a little roller coaster ride of emo­tions. So: Get in and off you go.


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The young song­writer has already proven her musical abilities in various com­pe­ti­tions. Among them are, for example, the double award as Federal Prize Winner at Jugend musi­ziert, the Wolle-Kri­wanek-För­der­preis and the second place at the Back­n­anger Nach­wuchs­fes­tival, as well as the 3rd place at the Freiburg Band­contest “Rampe 16”.

In addition, she has sup­ported Ame­rican artists such as Aaron Watson and the band Her&Kings County and had enga­ge­ments at inter­na­tional fes­tivals such as the Country Music Meeting Berlin, the Honberg Summer Tutt­lingen and last but not least the Country Night Gstaad, Europe’s largest country fes­tival.