Fri. 27.12

Anita und Maik

Anita and Maik enchant the audience with more than 50 bells and won­derful, some­times fast melodies.


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Their instrument is rarely seen or heard. The two of them play over fifty bells with four hands with vir­tuosity and breath­taking speed and you are amazed by the expres­si­veness of the four to fifteen cen­ti­metre bells.

The reper­toire ranges from clas­sical and dignified to cheerful and folksy to upbeat and modern. At Christmas time, the pro­gramme is expanded with festive melodies in keeping with the motto “Sweeter the bells never ring…”.

In their pro­gramme, Anita and Maik pre­sented a new timbre with 50 bar bells. They are looking forward to enchanting the guests in Triberg with their Christmas bell music!

High­lights of recent years have included per­for­mances for the Swiss Con­sulate General, enga­ge­ments at Europa-Park Rust, shows at the America’s Cup in Valencia, charity con­certs in South Africa, a stint as a bell trainer on “Wetten dass…?” and an eight-handed carillon with Klaus Wowereit and Renate Künast.