Sat. 28.12

Magic Acoustic Guitars

In 2021, they cele­brated their 15th anni­versary on stage and have been cele­brating pure mas­terful joy of playing as the duo “Magic acoustic Guitars” since the beginning. Roland Palatzky and Mat­thias Waßer radiate harmony and the most striking sty­listic element of the two excep­tional gui­ta­rists is the per­cussive top work, in which the finger bones crash fan­ta­sti­cally effec­tively onto the woods of the pre­cious instru­ments and result in a unique sound sym­biosis. Light-footed and ele­gantly dance-like, this is musical sound magic at the highest tech­nical level.

The ima­gi­native program of the two pro­fes­sionals ranges from num­erous top-class ori­ginal com­po­si­tions to clas­sical pieces such as Mozart’s “Rondo a la Turca”, Glenn Miller’s “In the Mood” and pop classics such as “Samba Pa Ti”, “Sultans of Swing” and “Tears in Heaven”.

“Magic acoustic Guitars live and love their music, giving the melodies and instru­ments a pas­sionate cha­racter with their abso­lutely pro­fes­sional vir­tuosity. This earned the duo the “Artist of the Year 2014” award in the “Instru­men­ta­lists” category at the Golden Artist Gala.


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