Parking Spaces

Parking around the Weih­nachts­zauber

If you arrive by car, the new under­ground car park in the city centre with over 200 parking spaces is at your dis­posal. Here you will also find some dis­abled parking spaces.

If these spaces are occupied, you can use some Park & Ride parking spaces with a free shuttle service.


Please follow the local signs.

Shuttle buses

Free shuttle buses run every 15 minutes

  • from 1:30 pm from the Triberg train station
  • from 4:00 pm from LIDL car park
  • from 4:00 pm from Scho­nachbach

to the bus parking (approx. 200m from the main ent­rance).

Until 10:30 pm the buses shuttle con­stantly between the bus parking lot (entrance/exit) and the men­tioned bus stops.

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