Starry Sky with 100,000 Lights

Starry Sky with 100,000 Lights

Ster­nen­himmel mit 100.000 Lichtern At the main ent­rance of the Tri­berger Weih­nachts­zauber there is a gigantic starry sky with 100,000 lights and is waiting to be seen and admired by...
Illu­mi­nated Stream

Illu­mi­nated Stream

Beleuch­teter Bachlauf Der Was­serfall wird in bunten Farben ange­strahlt. Eine echte...
Winter Fire with Stick Bread

Winter Fire with Stick Bread

Winter fire with stick bread You want to eat some­thing and warm up at the same time? At our winter fire you can warm up and bake deli­cious...
Nativity Scene

Nativity Scene

Christmas crib What would Christmas be without a crib? The Tri­berger Weih­nachts­zauber presents you a beau­tiful crib made of straw on the event grounds. A donkey and several sheep stand right next to it and can be stroked and observed by young and old...
Christmas Village

Christmas Village

Christmas Village The varied and beau­tiful Christmas village of the Tri­berger Weih­nachts­zauber makes the hearts of the visitors beat faster. Here you will find, among other things, the natural stage, the winter fire play, pre­sented by Udo Schanz, dining stalls...