Giant Christmas Candle

Giant Christmas Candle

Giant Christmas Candle Links neben der Natur­bühne steht unsere riesige Weih­nachts­kerze, die — wie der Name schon sagt — mehrere Meter hoch ist und damit ein echter...
Por­trait Photo Studio

Por­trait Photo Studio

Por­trait photo studio You would like to take home a special memory of the Tri­berger Weih­nachts­zauber? No problem! In our por­trait photo studio on the event site you can have your photo taken in front of a beau­tiful winter scenery and of course take the photo...
Alphorn Blowers

Alphorn Blowers

2019 Im Was­ser­fall­ge­lände The alphorn players More than 20 years ago Peter Gehring as well as Oskar and Bruno Baier started to learn Alphorn. After a lot of prac­ticing there fol­lowed num­erous per­for­mances at wed­dings, bir­thdays and other fes­ti­vities. But...