Snow­flake Trail

Snow­flake Trail

Schnee­flo­ckenweg Die beleuch­teten Schnee­flocken weisen Ihnen den Weg durch den Later­nenwald hin zur Weih­nachts­mütze, sodass Sie sich im dunklen Wald nicht...
Lantern Forest

Lantern Forest

lantern forest If you walk from the main ent­rance along the cir­cular path of the waterfall, you will arrive at the end of the foot­bridge on the left-hand side directly to the beau­tiful lantern...
Children’s Carousel

Children’s Carousel

Children’s carousel Not only in the children’s world, but also in the Christmas village there is some­thing for the little visitors. Here there is a children’s carousel that makes children’s hearts beat...
Lights Pre­sen­tation Real­schule

Lights Pre­sen­tation Real­schule

Light pre­sen­tation Real­schule On the way to the fire show you see a great light pre­sen­tation, which was built by pupils of the Real­schule...
Star Alley

Star Alley

star avenue When you walk through the lantern forest, you will see stars in addition to lan­terns. These make up the attraction Star...