Fabian Flender

Fabian Flender

Archive Voices & Boys Fabien Flender manages to make the audience laugh tears in their eyes during a wordless fight with everyday objects. He is part of the clown duo “extraart”. <iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“https://www.youtube.com/embed/8A3y2tS77XE”...
Jürgen Schultis

Jürgen Schultis

Archive Jürgen Schultis Jürgen Schultis was already enthu­si­astic about the pan flute instrument in his youth. He bought his first one in 1991 and had his first public appearance after a year of intensive practice. After he became better and better known, he made his...
Piano Vocal

Piano Vocal

Archive Piano Vocal The two fan­tastic musi­cians Ralf Brand­stetter and Hannes Schmidt present the audience not only well-known pop songs but also spe­cially com­posed pieces. <iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“https://www.youtube.com/embed/UPqzYdIYYGs”...


Archive Musi­cal­i­cious Musi­cal­i­cious presents songs from dif­ferent musicals to the audience. zurück zu...
Magic Man

Magic Man

Archive The Magic Man Already more than 15 years the illu­sionist “The Magic Man” from Freiburg enthuses his audience. In 2017, he was able to take second place in the category of grand illu­sions at the German Magic Cham­pi­onship. zurück zu...