Stadt- und Kur­ka­pelle Triberg

Stadt- und Kur­ka­pelle Triberg

2023 Fri 29.12 Stadt- und Kur­ka­pelle Triberg The city and Kur­ka­pelle Triberg, created in the year 1769 is one of the oldest blowing music asso­cia­tions in the blowing music fede­ration of the black forest Baar circle. At present more than 60 active members are in...
Daniel Rall

Daniel Rall

2024 Wed. 25.12 Thur. 26.12 Fri. 27.12 Sun. 29.12 Bikeshow with Daniel Rall Adre­naline-fuelled and spec­ta­cular: be enchanted by bicycle acrobat, Wetten, dass… winner and world record holder Daniel Rall. As a long-time com­panion of the Triberg Christmas Magic, he...
Puppet Theatre

Puppet Theatre

2019 in der Kin­derwelt The puppet theatre The puppet theatre recreates fairy tales known to the audience. <iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“” frameborder=“0” allow=“accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyro­scope;...
Fairytale Teller Susanne

Fairytale Teller Susanne

Archiv Sto­ryteller Susanne Susanne reads exciting fairy tales and stories to the children in the children’s world in the tent next to the stage. zurück zu...
Alphorn Blowers

Alphorn Blowers

2019 Im Was­ser­fall­ge­lände The alphorn players More than 20 years ago Peter Gehring as well as Oskar and Bruno Baier started to learn Alphorn. After a lot of prac­ticing there fol­lowed num­erous per­for­mances at wed­dings, bir­thdays and other fes­ti­vities. But...