Christian Torchiani

Christian Torchiani

Archive Christian Torchiani He lives and loves his music. Christian learned his craft from scratch and since his childhood he has pursued his goal of enter­taining people with his music. Since the beginning of his career he also writes music himself and has already...
Tamako Murakami

Tamako Murakami

Archive Tamako Murakami Tamako Murakami is a phe­no­menal pianist from Tokyo. She has been stu­dying at the Musik­hoch­schule Freiburg since April 2016 and is also active as a piano teacher. <iframe width=“560” height=“315”...
Jürgen Schultis

Jürgen Schultis

Archive Jürgen Schultis Jürgen Schultis was already enthu­si­astic about the pan flute instrument in his youth. He bought his first one in 1991 and had his first public appearance after a year of intensive practice. After he became better and better known, he made his...


Archive Piano Vocal The two fan­tastic musi­cians Ralf Brand­stetter and Hannes Schmidt present the audience not only well-known pop songs but also spe­cially com­posed pieces. <iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“”...
Zydeco Annie + SWAMP CATS

Zydeco Annie + SWAMP CATS

2023 TUE 26.12 Zydeco Annie + SWAMP CATS Zydeco Annie + SWAMP CATS present enter­taining Cajun and Zydeco music to the audience. Let yourself be carried away into the vastness of Lou­siana and enjoy the colourful, enter­taining pro­gramme of the...
Los Talis­manes

Los Talis­manes

Archive Los Talis­manes “Los Talis­manes” present in their program “30 Farben Schnee” songs in dif­ferent lan­guages. Various acoustic instru­ments are used for this purpose <iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“”...