Tobias Gnacke

Tobias Gnacke

Archive Tobias Gnacke Tobias Gnacke presents a stage program that couldn’t be more enter­taining. From imi­ta­tions of voices to ven­tri­lo­quism to comedy, ever­y­thing is included. <iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“”...


Archive Maricel The blonde whirlwind was born in Hanover and seemed to want to conquer the world from then on. Already at the age of thirteen Maricel wrote her first song, was soon dis­co­vered by pro­ducers and got a record deal with her first single “Still waiting”....
Stefan Reusch

Stefan Reusch

Archive Stefan Reusch -Reusch saves 2016  —  THE YEAR RETURN Of trumpets, Erdo­hähnen and other Wich­tigter with the “master of anar­chist rhymes and word twists”. (Köl­nische Rund­schau) 2016 — what kind of ’ne World!_What, please, can you do about it?...
Van O. Ladies

Van O. Ladies

Archive Van O. Ladies Drei Schwestern – eine Stimm­gewalt. So lässt sich die For­mation Van O. Ladies sehr gut beschreiben. Van O. Ladies steht für aus­ge­zeichnete Live-Musik, die jedem Zuhörer als unver­gess­liches Erlebnis in Erin­nerung bleiben wird. Davon durfte...